Frederick Scholl, Ph.D.:

Senior Consultant and Thought Leader , Cybersecurity Risk Management

Frederick Scholl, Ph.D.

About Frederick Scholl, Ph.D.:

Areas of Expertise: Education; Healthcare; Federal Government; Banking and Finance; Manufacturing; Legal.

Frederick Scholl, Ph.D.

Senior Consultant and Thought Leader

Cybersecurity Risk Management

Well experienced, cybersecurity risk manager, with over 40 years’ experience in transformational leadership within Fortune 100 firms, government agencies and startups.

Subject matter expert in cybersecurity frameworks processes and technology.  Able to span the gap between business risks and cybersecurity controls and utilize cybersecurity as a business enabler.

Team player and innovative systems thinker who can connect the dots to solve problems, while managing within existing budgets.  Effective in communicating risk through presentations and technical documentation, for management and board members.

Proficiencies include organization risk assessment; systems risk assessment; information systems risk assessment; compliance analysis and preparation; threat evaluation; root cause analysis of security incidents; information security governance; resilient systems design; protection of intellectual property; security standards and frameworks.

To meet with Fred, or any of our excellent mentors, please fill out this interest form.

Frederick Scholl, Ph.D. Q&A:

  • -Contribute ideas to help new entrepreneurs solve problems

    -Chance to connect entrepreneurs with business

  • I did two tech startups, from garage to public company, so have broad business, technology and academic background.

  • When a former employee in one of my start-ups called me 25 years later to invite me to his son’s wedding, in India.

  • The rate of change in technology and the constant need to learn.

  • Yes, but I would have networked more before making career changes.

  • -Understanding that there’s no single magic formula. Several things are critical:

    -Persistence. Be able to go to plan B

    -Integrity. Make sure people who know you will trust you over time.

    -Humility. Be able to effectively collaborate and listen to advice.

  • An electrical engineer, which is what I became.