Woody Klemmer:

Head of Growth, ForMotiv

About Woody Klemmer:

Woody began his entrepreneurial career in 8th grade when he founded an odd job company, WAK Jobs. Woody grew this business throughout high school and eventually expanded it into a full-year, multi-state operation while attending Vanderbilt. After college, Woody morphed the business into GladlyDo, an on-demand odd job app connecting college students with gig work. GladlyDo was acquired by a Philadelphia private equity group in 2017 and, together, they relaunched the business as Laborocity, a B2B on-demand staffing platform. Currently, Woody is the Head of Growth at ForMotiv, a Behavioral Science Platform that helps insurance carriers predict user intent by analyzing digital body language while users engage with digital forms and applications.

To meet with Woody, or any of our excellent mentors, please fill out this interest form.